ITU Humanities and Social Sciences

The curriculum in humanities and social sciences isopen to traditional analysis, techniques and approaches in areas such as history, moral philosophy, philosophy of art, political philosophy and theory, philosophy of science and technology, as well as new methods and alternative approaches that are emerging in this field within a developmental process.


For the history of our department click here.
For our graduate programs click here.  

Presentation delivered by Assoc. Prof. Aslı Çalkıvik in the EELISA Symposium

by Hande Vural Çelik | Jun 08, 2023
Associate Professor Aslı Çalkıvik participated in the 2nd EELISA Research-Based Learning (RBL) Symposium of the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) held in Pisa on 17-19 May 2023 and delivered a talk entitled “Engineerings Meet the Social Sciences: The Possibilities and Challenges for Interdisciplinarity Learning and Collaboration”.
